When the hustle means too much bustle

A recent LendingClub report revealed that 62% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. With pandemic-related benefits scaled back (or gone entirely), many individuals turned to side hustles to supplement their income and improve their financial standing.

When our economy is so shot that we need to consider side hustles and multiple jobs (although this is not a new thing), something’s got to give.

If you’re looking for side work, you’re likely either struggling to make ends meet with your current job, want to gain an edge on your finances, or need to save up for something your income can’t facilitate.

It goes without saying that when you’re working multiple jobs, whatever the endgame is, don’t work so hard that you burn yourself out. It’s easy to take on too much. Before you even know it, you’re in too deep and don’t have the energy to either do your work properly or enjoy your precious little downtime.

To that point, always make time for yourself. Sure, extra income is great, but changes might be in order if it’s at the cost of your self-care. Spend your downtime on what makes you happy – a favorite TV show, an exercise that makes you feel good, or even a hobby you love.

To ensure that you make the most of your efforts, keep track of your income sources and run the numbers against your spending. Once you have an idea of your extra income, you can plan how much you can put away. You’ll also get a better idea of how long it will take to meet the personal goal you are working towards.

Are you considering starting a side hustle or want guidance on managing your finances? Don’t hesitate to reach out. My priority is to help you achieve financial stability and long-term success.

If you’re ready, call 330 836 7800 Ext. 1 or book a spot on my calendar here for a 15 minute review with me: