All In a Dale’s Work

Back in 2019, a news story dropped about Iowa carpenter Dale Schroeder, who made it his dying wish to give his life savings (nearly $3 million) to students who want to go to college but don’t have the funds.

Why? He didn’t have the opportunity to go to college himself, so he wanted to make a difference in the lives of as many people as he could – 33 of them, to be exact.

Dale had no heirs and saved almost every penny he earned to make this a reality. I mean, the man owned two pairs of pants; one for work and one for church! As you can tell, he was serious about his plan, and stuck with it until his passing in 2005.

After that, his friend (and lawyer) Steve Nielsen executed the plan that Dale worked so hard to make happen.

In a happy ending, the students he funded completed their degrees and moved on to careers they wouldn’t have without Dale’s help. While this isn’t a path that most of us would choose, you have to admire his philanthropy.

In the end, what you choose to do with your life’s earnings is entirely up to you.

One of the biggest components of estate planning is making that choice. Got your own children to put through college? Want to donate a portion to a local charity? How about using your savings on an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas for your circle of friends?

You get the point – you have options. Call 330-836-7800 or >>book a spot in my calendar right here<< to set up a 15-minute consultation so we can talk about a plan that’s as unique as your wishes and dreams are.