Launching like a salmon into the unknown

What if I told you that the humble salmon is the greatest teacher when it comes to fresh beginnings after divorce?

Read this story all the way to the end and see if you can spot the hidden lessons.

Let’s begin…

The salmon faces a seemingly impossible and frightening journey into the unknown.

Driven by a desire to push on and on, the salmon bursts forward with all its might, fighting the current upstream.

At the end of the stream is a calm, shallow pool, the perfect sanctuary for laying eggs and starting anew.

To make it to the pool, the sanctuary for the fresh start, the salmon must overcome unknown obstacles in its path…

Seemingly never-ending, powerful currents of water…

Launching into the unknown over waterfalls…

Relying on innate “gut feelings” and faith to propel them forward throughout the journey…

One of two things happen to the salmon as it begins this journey to this sanctuary pool.

Either it freezes up, is paralyzed with indecision, doesn’t act in time, and remains stuck in the murky currents where the river collides with the sea…

Or the salmon sees that the timing is right, the water is high, and now is the best time to make a move for the journey up river to the sanctuary pool.

With persistence, focus, and a clear picture in its mind’s eye, the salmon overcomes all odds and makes it all the way there, arriving peacefully, beginning its fresh start in the serene, safe, and tranquil waters.

So how does the salmon relate to divorce?

The salmon is facing a seemingly endless and impossible journey, alone, and navigating unknown waters, but there’s a serene sense of drive, hope, and clarity fueling the salmon forward.

Heading toward a peaceful end — and a new beginning.

A fresh start that is essential to surviving and thriving.

And the journey, no matter how challenging in the moment, that was well worth the upstream battle to get there.

All it took was for the salmon to spot the opportunity to start the journey, and that is precisely why I’m emailing you today.

The short read below (an easy-to-follow guide and checklist) will help you begin your journey to your financial fresh start right now.

After you read this, reply to this email with any questions that you have. My team and I respect your privacy and will maintain complete confidentiality as we support your journey.

[READ NOW] Burdened by Divorce? 3 Time-Sensitive Moves to Help Protect Your Financial Fresh Start


To your fresh start,

Lee HyderLee Hyder & Associates Wealth Management, LLC(330) 836-7800Learn More at LeeHyder.comClick the image below to download your free copy of my latest book!