Can you retire in a crash?

If you’re retiring in the next five years, you could be in for a lifelong dream come true…

Or a nightmare where you’re falling into a bottomless pit.

You probably have questions like:

  • Am I able to retire when I want to or will I have to wait until my investments recover?
  • What can I expect when retiring in rocky market conditions?
  • What can I do so I don’t have to put off my retirement date?

If you’ve invested consistently for a long time, market ups and downs may not have been on your mind as much in the past.

But now that you’re thinking seriously about retirement (maybe you even have a date in mind), the stakes have gone up.

WAY up!

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Economic news stresses you out.
  • You wake up worrying about what the markets will do to your accounts.
  • You might even avoid looking at your investments for fear of the anxiety you’ll feel.
Book cover: Retirement Dream or Nightmare

Every decision you make now could have serious financial consequences for 10, 20, or 30+ years.

I’ve got some great news.

You now have access to this FREE GUIDE: Retirement Dream or Nightmare? 3 “No Anxiety” Secrets to Confidently Retiring in a Market Crash

Inside you’ll discover:

  • What to expect when retiring in a market crash (and what to do about it)
  • How you can still retire when the source of your income (your investments) takes a critical financial hit
  • Specific strategies to ease your morning “Can my income handle rising prices?” stomach knot

You can get the critical answers you need to unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders, and enjoy the anticipation of retiring. Discover the strategies you need so you can confidently map out where you’ll travel, collect supplies for your hobbies, or buy all the books you plan to read.


You can keep waking up with a bundle of nerves in your stomach and go on feeling happy when markets are up – and anxious when markets are down.

READ NOW: Retirement Dream or Nightmare? 3 “No Anxiety” Secrets to Confidently Retiring in a Market Crash

The stakes are too high to put it off another day. Don’t let the markets dictate how you feel about your retirement plans.

You deserve to relax and coast into retirement without a nervous stomach, stress wrinkles, or worse… having to stay at work (or go back) so you feel confident about your income.