Your loop?

In 2022, $3 trillion of retirement savings disappeared, at least on paper.1

If you’re retiring in the next five years, you don’t need facts to tell you your investments have sharply dropped.

You’re feeling these market ups and downs much more intensely than you did in the last 10, 20, or 30+ years.

You may have even entered the “cycle of retirement worry.”

“Should I retire?”

“Can I retire?”

“What should I expect my investments to do in a crash?”

“Prices will keep going up. How do I keep growing my accounts without letting my income move up and down with the markets?”

“Should I push back retirement until the economy recovers?”

“I’m not even going to look at my accounts. It gives me anxiety.”

This cycle of worry is normal for people getting close to retirement, but it doesn’t have to be.

The “loop of worry” is a helpless place to be. But you CAN break the cycle.

You now have access to this FREE guide: Retirement Dream or Nightmare? 3 “No Anxiety” Secrets to Confidently Retiring in a Market Crash

Inside you’ll discover:

  • What to expect when retiring in a market crash (and what to do about it)
  • How you can still retire when the source of your income (your investments) takes a critical financial hit
  • Specific strategies to ease your morning “Can my income handle rising prices?” stomach knot

People who retire without hesitation use the specific strategies detailed in this guide to feel financially confident (even in rocky markets).

So which person do you want to be?

  1. The person who holds their breath while they wonder whether to sell or hold. The person who constantly pictures having to sell your home and perhaps getting side work to be able to retire comfortably.
  2. The person who looks back and thinks, “I never felt panicked even when the market dropped. I was drinking champagne, thinking about traveling right after I retired. I barely even looked at my accounts.”

READ NOW: Retirement Dream or Nightmare? 3 “No Anxiety” Secrets to Confidently Retiring in a Market Crash

As you get closer to retirement, your opportunities to control your income drop considerably. And the loop of worry gets worse with each passing day.

If a market drop hits while you’re drawing down your accounts, your investments may not recover if you’re not ready for it.

Make a choice to be ready and exit the “cycle of retirement worry” today!

To retiring confidently,

Lee Hyder