Are you a retirement boomerang?

Were you lucky enough to retire in the past four years? Well, it might be time to call off the parade. I’ve got some bad news (maybe)…

Despite the excitement of retirement, approximately 1 in 6 American retirees are considering returning to work. And the magic timeline number? On average, it takes as little as four years for retirees to reconsider their retirement plans.

What drives this? Several factors:

Boredom! You were probably looking forward to spending more time with your spouse, but the honeymoon’s over. You can only watch so much Wheel of Fortune in the evenings and go out to breakfast together so many times before it hits you. “I need a hobby or something!”

Money! Maybe you thought you had the perfect retirement all planned out. But soon, with all your free time (that maybe give you that needed break from your spouse), you’ve realized that life still costs money, and more free time means more ways to spend that money. “Where on earth is all my money going?”

Isolation! You might be sick of your family by now, but you still feel lonely. This is very common among new retirees. Your routine is gone, and despite suffering from the smell of Tim’s tuna salad sandwiches in the boardroom, you actually kinda-sorta miss the guy. “It sure would be nice to get out there and socialize a bit…”

So, if you’re considering returning to work, what should you keep in mind? Look for a low-stress work environment, and keep the hours to a minimum. Flexibility is key. After all, what would be the point of retirement? Make sure you go back to work for the right reasons, whether it be a sense of fulfillment, social networking, or just pocket money to buy better quality fishing tackle!

Still wonder what effect going back to work will have on your social security benefits and taxes? It’s a smart thing to consider, and I’m happy to review it with you.

Book a 15 minute consultation at a time that works for you by calling (330) 836-7800 or using my >>>online calendar<<<