Living tight

As inflation continues to ravage our wallets, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to justify certain expenses in our lives.

We are not willing to compromise on many expenses, and sometimes that’s okay. You are allowed to enjoy yourself! If that means buying yourself a nice dinner every week or unwinding with Netflix, who am I to judge?

The key is to make balanced choices so you can be smart with your money and enjoy life at the same time.

If your budget’s a little tight, you might wonder how to stretch it without sacrificing too much. Well, there are tons of tiny habits you can pick up to make your money go further.

Change how you shop for groceries. If you live close enough to the grocery store, consider biking or walking there instead of driving if you just need a few things. Before you head out, make a list. Knowing what you need can help prevent you from loading up your cart when your home is fully stocked. Lastly, the small amounts of gas you save will add up – and hey, you’ll get a walk in there. You can knock that off your to-do list!

Tweak how you bank and invest. Consider setting up automatic transfers to your savings accounts or high-yield investments that can generate extra income. For investors, >>>there are apps that automatically round your debit or credit transactions to the nearest dollar and collect the cents for investments<<<. Round-up apps are a way to get started in the investing world with minimal financial commitment. With your money, automation can help you maximize your hard-earned dollars without too much effort.

If inflation has hit you hard, or you want to grind for a specific goal, small changes can make all the difference in maintaining the lifestyle you want as you get through it.

We can help you create a plan to allocate your money based on what’s important to you at any stage of your life. To set up a consultation, call us (330) 836-7800 or >>>click here<<< so we can talk about how to make your money go further.


Lee Hyder