That’s the tooth

Remember way back in the day when you were a kid and just lost a tooth?

Oh, the anticipation when you’d put that little tooth under your pillow and wake up to find a small payout the following day!


This was, of course, the work of the Tooth Fairy, a fictionalized (sorry if this was how you found out) and macabre provider of cash in exchange for your wayward pearly whites. You didn’t need them anyways, right?

And when you’re set to gain a couple of dollars from something that was going to fall out anyways, how can you lose?

You can’t!

But, the Tooth Fairy sure can!

Based on a recent poll by Delta Dental, payouts for teeth have increased by over three times in the last 20 years. There’s no economic reason for it, except that $2 means a lot less now than it did in 2001, and I guess even the imaginary has to keep up with inflation.

Looking at the graph below, we can see that, despite inclines and declines, we are on an upward trend. If this continues, in another 20 years, kids will find Andrew Jackson’s face under their pillow after a visit from the Tooth Fairy instead of the chump change of our youth.

Give it 40 more years, and you can start a college fund with baby teeth.


Unless the Tooth Fairy blessed you with a fortune for every lost tooth (or maybe you have a really good financial plan), chances are your tooth earnings have been long since spent.

But, you don’t need to lose more teeth to get a leg up on your financial future. Just talk to me about how we can put together a plan that will help you get the future you want (that doesn’t feel like pulling teeth). Call 330-836-7800 or book a spot on my >>calendar here<< to get started with a 15 minute consultation.