3 investment trends, but only 1 is a winner

Ok, you might be savvy, and have already dipped your toes into the world of saving and investing. Still, times are changing, and there are lots of ways you can add to your investment portfolio.

Let’s take a look at three investment trends and what they have to offer:

Speculative Currency: You might not know the term, but you’ve seen the product. This trend is based on digital assets and currencies like NFTs and Bitcoin.

These investments get traded through online platforms and exist completely online. As there is no physical item, this is an extremely volatile market, but it has paid off big for some.

Meme Stocks: These are stocks that have gone viral online, typically by trending in a funny meme on social media. Some social media groups have made it their goal to either boost a stock, or to ‘short’ the stock by fighting back against companies that don’t align with their social values.

If you get in early, prices skyrocket. But, as with any fad, people move on from a joke quickly, and the loss of interest can end up crashing the stock completely.

The Long Game: Not exactly a trend, but making smart investments and holding onto them for a long time is the true investment standard. Unlike meme stocks, this investing style is based on company performance, not on ‘what’s funny today’.

Unlike speculative currency, this style is tried and true and will withstand any change in trends. The catch is it’s not an overnight boon.

It’s easy to see the appeal in something new. After all, you wouldn’t want to eat the same meal for the rest of your life! Still, it’s smart to keep up with investing trends, and as technology improves, we’re sure to see new products and ways of investing.

We keep up with the times to help take the burden off your busy life. To find out if any of these trends are something to consider in your unique situation, book a 15-minute consultation at 330 836 7800 EXT. 1, or >>click here<< to get a spot that works for you.