
I am writing today to discuss a significant concern for crypto investors:


This cybercrime poses a potential risk to all digital traders, and understanding it is key to safeguarding your investments.

Cryptojacking might sound like something from a dystopian sci-fi tale. Still, it is a real and prevalent issue in today’s digital landscape.

Picture your phone, laptop, or tablet covertly mining cryptocurrency without your knowledge or consent. This is exactly what cryptojacking entails.

Cybercriminals involved in cryptojacking utilize sophisticated malware to infiltrate your devices or cloud server. Once embedded, this software hijacks your computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies illegally, thereby reaping substantial profits without bearing any mining costs.

The stealthy nature of this cybercrime makes it particularly insidious. It is designed to remain virtually undetectable, often for extended periods. A minor lag in your computer’s performance might be the only tip-off that you’ve been hit.

In many cases, users may not notice any changes at all!

Preventing cryptojacking involves adhering to robust cybersecurity practices.

Cybercriminals often hide in unsecured websites, including free video streaming and gaming platforms, so take security seriously:

●      be wary of suspicious links
●      think twice before accessing content on unsecured sites.
●      use a reliable antivirus program

Knowledge is our first line of defense in the digital world. Awareness of cryptojacking (and cybersecurity) and how it works is essential in protecting yourself.

Growing your assets for retirement is essential, but so is making sure those assets remain safe and out of the hands of criminals. Call today at 330 836 7800 EXT. 1 (or click here) to schedule an appointment and learn how we help our clients achieve a secure retirement.