Don’t make ‘The Poor House’, your house

Many folks close to retirement without any savings begin to get worried: is it possible to live on Social Security benefits alone?

The answer is maybe, but you’ll likely have to make sacrifices.

Many seniors who depend on Social Security benefits find that they have to devise creative ways to survive. From growing their own vegetables to shacking up with roommates (family or otherwise), it’s a tough world out there.

It’s true that not everybody has the means in their working years to put aside substantial savings.

Although life is more expensive than ever, there were financial struggles back then, too (shocker). Many people worked hard in the late ’70s and early ’80s and now face retirement with nothing to show for it. Why?

Many people lived for today and spent on toys like boats, cars, and motorcycles. Or spent on lavish vacations, squandering their money away over the years on impulse purchases and fads (ok, maybe shag carpeting in the bathroom wasn’t a great investment after all).

— The big takeaway at the end of the day is this:

once your working years are gone, they’re gone —

Take the time now to start preparing for retirement, even if it means having a small savings stipend to live off of because all you could afford was a small monthly investment. It’s still something, and something is better than nothing.

That being said, there are ways to do a lot with only a little, and we can show you how. Find out how you can do more by calling 330 836 7800 EXT. 1 or booking via my online calendar for a 15-minute consultation by >>clicking here.<<