It’s got millionaires shaking in their boots

Economic headlines haven’t been very promising for big-money Americans lately. Talk of recession and inflation have caused some of the 7-digit class to drag their heels investment-wise.

While the rich typically do get richer, let’s talk about the three issues American millionaires are currently worked up about.

Inflation: While inflation affects every American, it’s no different for the wealthy. While your dollars feel like they have less buying power, that feeling amplifies when you have serious cash.

Stock Markets: Investments in shares and stocks tend to perform better long term than cash, although there is a risk that investments may lose value. When you have a large portfolio, that lost value might be substantial.

Government Dysfunction: The debt ceiling crisis earlier this year caused a wave of stress over financial markets. Many wealthier Americans feel the government isn’t doing much to help combat inflation.

So how will Americans of all income brackets ride out the current economic conditions?

While some might be nervous about investing right now, past performance proves that instead of holding back from making investments, it’s still better to play the long game and keep rolling.

Keeping pace with investments despite inflation is the best way to combat high prices.

If you wonder what steps you could take to keep your finances in check, let’s talk about that.

You can book a 15 minute consultation at a time that works for you by phone (330 836 7800 EXT. 1) or on my online calendar (click here).