Oo-wee, oo-wee, won’t you let me take you on a sea cruise

Have you ever been on a cruise before?

It’s a fantastic way to leave it all behind, visit new places, taste gourmet dishes, and make memories with an endless stream of new experiences.

Of course, such a trip comes at a cost, and if you’re not careful, it’s enough to sink the S.S. Bank Account. I want to share a few ways to save money on your next cruise.

When you’re planning out your next cruise, be sure to consider the details. It may be less expensive to choose a cruise that allows you to drive to a domestic departure port than to board in the Mediterranean. Be sure to look at itineraries with many days at sea – the more ports you stop at, the higher the cost. A bonus? You’ll be able to appreciate all the amenities on board without feeling rushed. You’ll also spend less at tourist trap destinations as a result!

Stalk prices. If you’re interested in a drink and dining package, or off-ship tours, use your cruise line’s app after booking to check prices daily for these perks. You can save 30-40% off these prices when they go on sale. If you paid full price and see the package on sale the next day, get in touch with customer service. Often you can cancel your previous purchase and repurchase the package without penalty. We’re talking about saving potentially $100-500!

The biggest tip? Be flexible. You can save a bundle if you’re not married to your dates. Holidays like Easter and Christmas are notoriously expensive, but booking in the off-season or on short-notice can make the bill easier to stomach.

Planning ahead will save you money in every aspect of vacationing and makes it possible to travel more often (and possibly enjoy more luxuries!).

This is no different in other areas of your life! Think about potentially saving money while paying down your debts and -gasp- even having extra money to invest with.

It’s possible, but you won’t find that knowledge on your cruise ship itinerary. You’ll have to call me at 330 836 7800 EXT. 1 to embark on a 15-minute consultation or by using my >>online calendar.<<