S-S-Shake it off!

Got a passion for the music scene?

Do concerts account for a substantial portion of your entertainment expenses?

If you said “heck yes!”, you know how costly these ventures can be. That’s why I’ve put together some tips to help you hit up those venues and tours you love and still create space for your other financial goals. Let’s dive in!

Where you sit matters. While everyone wants front and center seats for their favorite bands, they can cost thousands! On the other hand, seats just 100 feet out can be half the price. Just ensure the view from those seats isn’t blocked – this website can help by showing you genuine photos of the venue!

Stick close to home. Instead of driving 8 hours and staying overnight in a hotel (don’t forget expensive meals and transportation), consider a day trip to local concerts and events. If you live in an area with multiple choices, look for venues with less expensive tickets.

Exploit your local radio stations. Tying into my last tip, local stations often offer contests for free tickets to local events. If staying chained to your car radio isn’t up your alley, stream the station over a free service like TuneIn and check the station’s website – they often have a contest entry page!

These tips offer just a few ways to enjoy (in person!) the benefits music brings to our lives.

If you want more advice on balancing your financial goals with fun in the short term, book a 15-minute consultation and chat about your plan (where you are now, and where you want to be in the future), it’s easy – just click the buttons below.