Summer is coming… break out the TOYS

After a long winter, we eagerly look forward to a beautiful spring. But even more so, we’re looking forward to summer.

Fourth of July parties, cookouts, a day on the water fishing with the old man. And let’s not forget the American classic: a cross-country road trip in a comfortable RV!

What are you waiting for? Break out your wallet and sign on the dotted line!

Sure, money’s a bit tight right now, but you work hard! You deserve to enjoy yourself. Why can’t you throw reason out the window and buy the thing?

What if I told you there’s a better way? Have you considered the old playground trick of ‘borrowing’? Remember when you were so jealous of Billy’s banana-seat bicycle as a kid? Your family could never afford it. But Billy was nice enough to let you ride it on Sunday afternoons, and y’know what? That was good enough.

Ok, ok. Maybe nobody will lend you a $40,000 boat. When I’m talking about borrowing, I’m really talking about renting. I’m serious!

You can save a fortune in the long run by renting summer toys. Have you heard the old saying: ‘The best two days in a boat owner’s life are the day he buys it, and the day he sells it’?

These toys require costly maintenance, storage, insurance, and don’t even get me started on interest and financing costs. Plus, the fear of someone stealing your toys is real. How many Facebook posts have you seen asking for information about a stolen ATV or snowmobile? Not worth it!

A sport fishing boat can run $40k at 29.9% interest with a $79.99 financing fee over 72 months. Don’t forget insurance and, of course, a trailer (that’s $10k+). Where are you keeping the boat? Oh, no room at home? The marina has room – just $800-1800 annually. Oops! The boat got damaged while docked at the marina, and there are no witnesses? That’s going to be expensive…

See where I’m going with this?

Now, how often are you going to use the boat? Seriously, do the math. Even if you take the boat out once a week in the summer months, that’s eight trips. If you rent a boat for an hour or two, that might run you $200 each time, $1,600 total. No maintenance, no storage, no credit-scarring predatory loans.

When it comes to your finances, look at the whole picture. It’s smart to compare your options, especially if they save you money and headache in the long term.

If you’d like to find out how you can plan for a retirement that aligns with your goals (and lets you actually enjoy yourself), reach out to me at (330) 836-7800 or set a time in my >>>calendar<<< It’s smooth sailing from here (get it?)