But did I ask for 20% less cookies? Your Content Goes Here

Not that we NEED more sugar in our diets, but a quick visit to the grocery store recently became a lesson in sales and marketing. If you’re a snack connoisseur, you’ll know that typically, a bag of cookies has about 400g inside.

Now, you might grab your favorite chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookie only to find the bag is now 353g – yet the price remains the same.

Uhh, what happened here?!

Shrinkflation, my friends. Shrinkflation happened.

What is shrinkflation exactly? It’s when product sizes get smaller, but prices stay the same allowing the company to technically ‘raise’ the price by giving you less.

They often change the design of the container or packaging to make it look like you’re getting the same (or even more!). It’s pretty scummy, but most major brands have been doing this for years, typically in periods of economic shakiness or inflation.

How can you avoid this shady practice? Well, the obvious stands out:

● buy products sold by weight

● buy products that are less processed

● look for groceries that don’t have deceptive labeling or marketing

Another way to protect yourself when shopping includes looking at the ‘unit price’ on the shelf price tag. If you’re good at tracking prices, it will be much easier to note that your favorite shampoo typically sells for $0.20/oz. If you see it a few weeks later at $0.27/oz, something shady might be happening. Pay attention to pricing trends and the sizes of the products you buy, which will go a long way.

Also, don’t ignore store brands! Remember those cookies I mentioned earlier? The in-store version might still come in a 400g package! Typically, store brands are cheaper to boot, so it’s a double win with this one.

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After all, who doesn’t want more cookies?