What’s that? I can’t hear you…

Today, I’m asking you to speak up!

Not because I can’t actually hear you, of course, but because learning how to speak up for yourself can save you a lot of headaches and money down the road.

Now, most people have trouble standing up for themselves, even if they know they are in the right. Why is that?

Generally, people avoid speaking up because they are afraid of conflict, perceived or not. And, of course. Who wants to be uncomfortable?

That said, not speaking up when you need to can cost you big. Imagine paying a home repair bill that you were overcharged on because you weren’t confident enough to say something?

What if you asked for a set of premium tires with your next used vehicle purchase, but you catch a glimpse of them upon delivery, and they’re not only not premium, they’re half bald? Would you just accept that?


So what’s the secret to standing for your financial interests?

Accept that there may be conflict or uncomfortable discussions, and don’t feel guilty when you feel the need to challenge something that’s clearly not right. You deserve to pay what you owe and no more.

When it comes to approaching someone to correct a mistake, start by gathering the information you need to back yourself up and deciding your ideal outcome.

Once you start the conversation, stick to the facts. Resist the urge to go nuclear out of frustration and discomfort. Begin by assuming that the other party has good intentions and that the error is an honest mistake.

Sometimes you won’t succeed in this as there’s a chance you may be in the wrong, but at least an explanation can take some of the anger away.

The point is a few minutes of discomfort could be the difference between a financial resolution or financial resentment. It’s also a good exercise in learning how to communicate your needs.

So what are your financial needs?

Stability? Zero debt? Retiring comfortably?

Now’s your chance to speak up and get a game plan going. Give my office a call at 330 836 7800 or >>use my scheduler for a 15-minute financial consultation and let’s chat!<<