Peel Out … Like New!

According to >>Exactly How Long<<, Americans will own an average of 8-9 cars in their lifetime.

What about you?

Is it time to consider buying another car?

While there’s lots to consider (like features, color, and size), one of the most important questions is whether to buy it new or used.

There are, of course, pros and cons to each, which we will discuss.

Want to buy new? Here are the Pros:

●      You don’t have to worry about the history – no fender-benders, neglect, or a past driver who’s hard on the brakes.

●      It’s minty-fresh – no old cigarette smoke or smell from a fishing aficionado’s latest escapade to Lake Okeechobee.

●      You can order specific colors and features.

●      Up-to-date safety features like lane-keeping assist.

And the Cons?

●      The car’s value drops the minute you drive it off the lot.

●      Insurance costs are higher.

●      New cars are more likely to be stolen due to desirability.

●      The price! $$$

But what about Used? What are the Pros?

●      Don’t worry about getting scratches/dings – she probably has some beauty marks already.

●      Lower price tag – you can choose a car with better features like leather seating.

●      Some makes and models are more reliable than others – do the research before you buy.

And the Cons?

●      You won’t get that ‘cool young guy’ vibe in your 2006 Toyota Corolla with roll-down windows.

●      Not everyone treats their car like their baby – neglect, acceleration, and inexperience can negatively affect a vehicle’s lifespan.

●      A used car won’t last as long as new. Keep this in mind when shelling out your hard-earned money.

Buying a vehicle is a significant purchase, and there’s lots to mull over.

You’ll likely need to spend time and energy researching your next vehicle.

I can say the same about your long-term financial plans!

If you want to take the next step into feeling confident about your finances, reach out to me for a 15-minute consultation at 330 836 7800 EXT. 1 or nab a spot in my online calendar >>here.<<