The Jetsons could be getting a rebate…

Soon, you might be able to take advantage of new home-efficiency rebates valued at $14,000… or more!

These rebates are part of Biden’s >>Inflation Reduction Act of 2022<<, which has earmarked $369 billion in spending for policies to fight climate change.

If you qualify, you can apply for the rebates under two programs under the Act: the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program, and the Home Efficiency Rebates program.

These rebates will discount the partial (or, in some cases, full) cost of home-efficiency projects.

What kinds of projects will qualify? Here are a few examples:

● installing insulation

● buying electric Energy Star appliances

● installing LED lighting

● Wi-fi thermostats

Keep in mind that these rebates will vary by state. In fact, some states don’t offer rebate programs at all for the time being (sorry, Floridians!).

How can you take advantage? Rebates are available at point-of-sale from a contractor or retailer. The value varies depending on factors like total project expense, household income, and total energy savings.

Should you take part? If you have ancient appliances (think 10+ years), spending some dough could be worth it. You’ll likely replace these appliances in the next few years anyway. Installing insulation will go a long way in saving money on your heating and cooling. The rebate program won’t be around forever, so take advantage while you can.

It’s nice to save money in the long run. We can help you find other tax-saving and money-saving opportunities. That’s the benefit of working with a trusted financial advisor.

To get started, book a 15 minute consultation by calling 330 836 7800 EXT. 1 or using >>my online calendar!<<