Decoding the Social Security Conundrum

Many people facing their retirement years might see Social Security as a beacon of dependable monthly income.

But when navigating the intricate aspects of Social Security, having a precise map and a knowledgeable guide is beneficial.

You might think: “I’m going to start claiming it as soon as I can!”

This approach, however, might not serve you well in the long term. The most beneficial approach to Social Security is the one that considers your specific needs.

Here are a few key facts you need to know:

  • The earlier you claim, the lower your monthly and survivor benefits may be. (That’s why financial advisors usually recommend delaying as long as possible.)
  • A one-time lump-sum death payment of $255 may be available under specific conditions.
  • Social Security payments received the month of death and after may need to be returned.
  • Your spouse and other qualified family members may be eligible for survivor benefits.

Notice a common thread with these quick facts?

There are a lot of what-ifs and maybes – because what’s best for you is not the same as someone else

That’s why working with a professional who’s helped clients create a personalized plan and roadmap to maximize their income sources is so critical.

Like trying to fix an electrical issue in your home, you could give DIY-ing a shot – but the result might not be what you want. (Unless you’re an electrician, of course.)

Want to learn more about my approach? Book a 15-minute consultation and chat about your plan (where you are now, and where you want to be in the future), it’s easy – just click the buttons below.