Roam Sweet Roam

Wouldn’t it be great to get away? And I’m not talking about going to Vegas for a weekend, I mean a real trip.

The trip of a lifetime!

Just think of your bucket list destination… I know you’ve got it pinned to the dream board in your mind!

If you’ve committed to turning your travel dream into a reality, it’s crucial to buckle down and start saving. The notion of ‘too expensive’ no longer holds when you have a plan.

Here are some strategies to help you save for the journey of your dreams:

Figure out the cost. This is the first step of your journey! Think of all the elements of your trip – that’s destination, flights, meals, hotels, and spending money. Take that number, and set a ‘deadline’ for when you want to travel. Divide that total by the amount of weeks or months away until that deadline, and you’ll have the magic number you need to save.

Note: Make sure that your timeline and budget are realistic. Saving for a trip doesn’t make sense if you neglect other parts of your budget and don’t have an emergency fund.

Cash in. If you have a tight deadline to save money for your trip, you can offload those possessions you don’t need to earn more funds. Consider a yard sale or selling bigger ticket items through consignment shops. You can also sell on Craigslist, Kijiji, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay.

Cash out. Keep the cash out of corporate America’s hands and in your savings account. You can reduce your spending in various ways, like using thrift stores to fill your wardrobe instead of buying new. Ditch your seldom-used streaming service. Before every purchase, ask yourself, ‘is this something I need right now, or can it wait?’

Keep it simple (smarty!). Bring a bagged lunch to work and have a board game night at home with friends instead of spending excessively on weekend nights out. Limit expenses for social entertainment or unexpected meals to $10 or less to check your spending while still having fun.

With dedication and smart financial choices, that dream destination on your bucket list is closer than you think! If you’d like help to create a roadmap for making your dreams happen while keeping your other goals in check.

To book a 15-minute consultation and chat about your plan (where you are now, and where you want to be in the future), it’s easy – just click the buttons below.