Sneaky Utility Suckers

Tired of hearing the same old advice on trimming your monthly utility bills?

Well, hold onto your energy-efficient hat because I’m about to reveal some easy tricks you might not have considered!

Today, we’re shining a light -hah!- on some hidden culprits that are quietly draining your resources. These stealthy energy-eaters have been lurking in the shadows for too long, and it’s high time you gained the upper hand.

Ready to uncover these energy-saving gems? Let’s dive right in:

Enable Sleep Mode on Your Monitor: Reduce wastage by putting your desktop computer’s monitor to sleep during short breaks. For more extended periods of inactivity, consider turning off your PC entirely. This practice not only saves energy but also extends the lifespan of your computer.

Upgrade to Smart Power Strips: These can combat phantom power usage by automatically cutting off power to devices not in use, offering long-term savings for a small initial investment.

Set Optimal Fridge and Freezer Temperatures: Maintain your fridge at 38 degrees and your freezer at five degrees to help your appliances operate more efficiently, keeping your food fresh while saving on energy costs.

Change Your Air Filter: Ideally, replace your HVAC’s air filter every 30 days to ensure efficient heating and cooling. Realistically, consider high-end pleated filters, which can remain effective for up to six months. Set reminders to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Install Motion Sensors: Use motion-activated lights in little-used rooms to ensure lights are only on when needed. Bonus: you get added value to your home if you sell in the future.

You can significantly impact your carbon footprint and utility bills with a few simple tweaks. As you saw, these changes require little effort and can lead to long-term savings!

Interested in cutting costs elsewhere in your life? Book a 15-minute consultation and chat about your plan (where you are now, and where you want to be in the future), it’s easy – just click the buttons below.