What does it take to retire in comfort?

Lee Hyder & Associates is registered as an investment adviser with the state of Ohio and only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. How much do you need to retire comfortably? What’s that “magic number” your nest egg has to hit, so you can feel confident about retirement? Many Americans believe their nest egg needs to hit anywhere from $1.5 million to $4 million to retire well.1 But that number might look very different depending on your unique retirement goals and how far away your retirement date is.1 And while knowing your target number is important, it’s just one piece of the retirement puzzle.1

To help you get a clearer picture of where you stand, I’m sharing a 5-question quiz on retirement planning in this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter. It covers key concepts like Social Security, savings strategies, and health care – topics that can significantly impact your financial future.

Click here to take the 3-minute quiz now and see how you score.

Retirement planning can feel complex because it’s not just about hitting a number. It’s about understanding the broader concepts that guide your decisions. When you understand the key elements, you can make more informed choices and better position yourself to achieve your retirement goals.
Want to see how well you understand the essentials of retirement planning? Take this quick, 3-minute quiz to find out.

Click here to test your knowledge now!

To living a richer life in retirement,

Lee Hyder
Lee Hyder & Associates Wealth Management, LLC
(330) 836-7800
Learn More at LeeHyder.com

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