18 07, 2023

Recession on the Horizon? Be Prepared, Not Scared

By |2023-07-20T07:36:46-07:00July 18th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Recession on the Horizon? Be Prepared, Not Scared

Recession on the Horizon? Be Prepared, Not Scared If you’ve read news headlines lately, there’s a lot of doom and gloom about a potential economic recession, despite some positive financial headlines. So have you been concerned about your finances if a [...]

11 07, 2023

Rising to The Challenge of Inflation

By |2023-07-11T14:00:31-07:00July 11th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Rising to The Challenge of Inflation

Rising to the Challenge of Inflation Inflation has been a hot topic lately, with prices having risen by an average of almost 5% in 2023. This reality has left many feeling the pinch. However, I want to assure you that there are measures [...]

6 07, 2023

Passive income – not passé income

By |2023-07-06T16:16:09-07:00July 6th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Passive income – not passé income

Passive income - not passé income It’s always exciting to discuss ways to boost your earnings, especially when we’re talking about income you can collect without doing a lot! There are numerous ways to create passive income, some of which may [...]

5 07, 2023

Part 2: Boss money moves for laid off folks

By |2023-07-05T11:52:57-07:00July 5th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Part 2: Boss money moves for laid off folks

Part 2: Boss money moves for laid off folks I covered a lot of ground the last time I posted: ● The five-step plan you need if you ever get laid off (if you missed it, check your inbox or drop me a line, [...]

29 06, 2023

Part 1: What to do if you get laid off

By |2023-06-29T13:27:20-07:00June 29th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Part 1: What to do if you get laid off

Part 1: What to do if you get laid off In this time of economic uncertainty and turmoil, it’s unfortunate that layoffs (“Reduction In Force” for those who like to make it sound better) are more common than usual, leaving many [...]

22 06, 2023

Has the ship sailed for Millennials?

By |2023-06-22T12:20:48-07:00June 22nd, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Has the ship sailed for Millennials?

Has the ship sailed for Millennials? 2020. Yeah, let’s not talk about that. But we should talk about the pandemic’s effect on the financial markets and investors’ habits. 2020 and onward was a Wild West of sorts when it came to [...]

20 06, 2023

Don’t forget your slice of pie!

By |2023-06-20T10:33:56-07:00June 20th, 2023|weekly update|Comments Off on Don’t forget your slice of pie!

Don’t forget your slice of pie! One of the biggest parts of taking on a new job is considering the compensation package. I’m not just talking about your paycheck - what about benefits? Benefits are essential and with good reason. The average [...]

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