Why-ority on Priority
Why-ority on Priority One thing about saving is that there are always multiple things you could be saving for, and each one is no small task. Saving for a home, a new car, paying debt, retirement, or just that big ticket [...]
Why-ority on Priority One thing about saving is that there are always multiple things you could be saving for, and each one is no small task. Saving for a home, a new car, paying debt, retirement, or just that big ticket [...]
Estate Plans: Not Just For Rich People. Creating a will is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your life. It’s one of those life events that you’ve likely avoided thinking about - I mean, we want to live forever, right? [...]
AREN’T BONDS SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE INVESTMENTS? THEN WHY HAVE THEY BEEN LOSING MONEY THIS YEAR??? With the recent increase in interest rates, most of the focus has been placed on the effect it has on mortgage rates. [...]
What willpower does to your brain (and how to hack it) Do you know what your brain does on willpower? It’s happening whenever you try to resist anything or form new habits. When you’re using willpower, the part of your brain [...]
Your nightmare? Oh no! This can’t be happening! Your front tire shakes. The entire bicycle rattles with uncertainty. You’re speeding down a steep hill on your bike and realize: Your bike wasn’t built to go this fast And your brakes aren’t [...]
How to stretch your dollars during inflation 9.1%. That’s the average annual inflation rate for the US as of June 2022, the worst increase in 40 years. Is there an end in sight? It’s hard to say, even though the government [...]
Find the perfect furry (or feathered or scaly) companion for your retirement So you made it to retirement. Time for rest. Nonstop vacation. Every day is Saturday. You deserve to enjoy your time. But some retirees return to work, and 34% [...]
Your loop? In 2022, $3 trillion of retirement savings disappeared, at least on paper.1 If you’re retiring in the next five years, you don’t need facts to tell you your investments have sharply dropped. You’re feeling these market ups and downs [...]
How the willpower gap sneaks up on you How much willpower do you have in the morning? How much do you have at night? If you’re like many folks, you tend to have weaker willpower at night than in the morning. [...]
Can you retire in a crash? If you’re retiring in the next five years, you could be in for a lifelong dream come true… Or a nightmare where you’re falling into a bottomless pit. You probably have questions like: Am I able [...]